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2006-10-11 18:53:16
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Body Image

Some of you may be familiar with the rantings of [Delladreing], most popular being Playgans which is currently being written up into a book. For those of you who are [Delladreing] virgins (i.e. your mind has not yet been corrupted by her work) in short, she is a sarcastic, often short tempered maniac who dislikes fakers with a passion. It just so happens that in her opinion, current body image and fads surrounding it are fake in her eyes.

Why is Dela doing this? Well to some it may come as a surprise that underneath the arrogance of her mind, she is an extremely shy individual with serious problems over how she views herself, bordering on an inferiority complex. In the past few years it has lessened to the point where the self hatred has dulled to a small ache in the back of her mind. That too is slowly being diminished. So why again is she doing this?

Because no one else should ever have to feel that way about themselves and by writing all of this down, she hopes to help other people realise their true beauty and self worth.

There are any number of insecurities imposed upon people today, the most common being brought about by exposure to the media, and more commonly the Internet. In these pages [Delladreing] will try to do her duty for the good of humanity in exposing these standards for the falsehoods that they are in an attempt to shatter the myths of modern day "beauty".

These pages are being primarily written for women, who tend to be the ones who suffer most at the cruel lying hands of the photoshopped media. However there has been a rise in male insecurities due to similar aspects of society and she would love to include some of them. All she needs is a male writer willing and able to write about them. If you wish to take part in this contact her via her house. Male members are of course still welcome, all support, any support is welcome.
Same applies to the women out there, if someone would like to put in their points and views, contact me. I'll see what I can do.

The topics in these pages being discussed will be as honest as possible and also as frank as possible. Some issues may not be suitable for persons under the age of 18, however it is of a personal opinion of what is suitable for you to read and what is not.

Bearing this in mind, some topics will be restricted to forum members. I am not about to get myself into trouble over various things although really, if you are mature enough to be wanting to fight back against the myths of the body image then you are really old enough to be exposed to all aspects of this.

The topics will range from weight, height, size, healthy body image, what is not a healthy body image, the slaughtering of pro-anorexia, healthy living, cosmetic surgery, beauty products and many more.

That all said and done, sit back and enjoy the read.
I hope that in some way what you read you will find reassuring and possibly even inspiring to you.

At least I hope they will be.
Much love,


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2007-04-01 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Speaking of boobs...this needs some pimpage!

2007-04-01 [Azuri]: *shakes head* the child one was the one that threw me off, it freaked me out hardcore and disturbed me to think someone would actually find that image funny

2007-04-01 [Fireblade K'Chona]: I swear that website isn't bad, by the way. It's very prettily done.

2007-04-01 [sequeena_rae]: I didn't even realise it was a child...

And w00t on the boobness :P

2007-04-01 [Fireblade K'Chona]: indeed, indeed. To quote my friend K... "BRA-HA-HA-HA!"

2007-04-01 [windowframe]: The freakist thing about the child picture was how everyone was pointing at him/her. :/

2007-04-01 [Jitter]: The child one was from the war I think but I shiver by the breast the same just because I imagine it like (don't reaD if you dont want nasty images as well -.-)

squeezing a black spot out :s

2007-04-01 [sequeena_rae]: A big one O_O

2007-04-01 [Jitter]: yes -.- I wish I had that machine from Eternal sunshine of a spotless mind.


2007-04-01 [sequeena_rae]: *brain scrubs*

2007-04-01 [Delladreing]: .............eeeeeeeeeew ><

2007-04-01 [Linderel]: Am I weird for not being especially squicked by the breast image? o_O

2007-04-01 [windowframe]: When you say 'from teh war' Jitterbug, which war are you talking about? O.o

2007-04-01 [sequeena_rae]: Yes Dela o.o

Yes, you are weird O_O That, or you're just super immune to this stuff xP

2007-04-01 [Delladreing]: I have nightmares about things like that coming out of me. Why it really got to me :S

2007-04-01 [Jitter]: I think it's from the Iraq last year. O.O

2007-04-01 [sequeena_rae]: You do? :( *hugs* I'm scared of the fuzziness on tv when there's no signal, it makes me feel sick >_<

2007-04-01 [Delladreing]: I used to have nightmares about squirmy things coming out the pores on my face...which is why still to this day I scrub my face so hard at times the pores bleed just to make sure they're clean *shudder*

2007-04-01 [windowframe]: O.o *trying to find it on google*

2007-04-01 [sequeena_rae]: Which one? o.O

2007-04-01 [Estantia]: I've seen a lot of photoshopped images in a similar style (though it was making living things look like advanced machines), so the breast one didn't particularly get me, mind you I didn't think about it too closely. the other was disgusting.

2007-04-01 [Willow Rose]: ...I missed something.

2007-04-01 [Estantia]: you did...

2007-04-01 [sequeena_rae]: Be glad you did o.o

2007-04-01 [Willow Rose]: Thought I think I saw the image you were talking about via the house link in Dela's diary. o.o

2007-04-01 [sequeena_rae]: Probably did x.x

2007-04-01 [Willow Rose]: But I clicked off before the whole creepy thing loaded. :3

2007-04-01 [sequeena_rae]: Oh xD

2007-04-01 [Estantia]: and seq is freaked out ^_^

2007-04-01 [sequeena_rae]: Majorly :/ It's just wrong.

2007-04-01 [Estantia]: i didn't try and work out what they were...

2007-04-02 [Fireblade K'Chona]: I know what you mean about not trying to work things out.

2007-07-11 [iippo]: People seen this yet?

2007-07-11 [Delladreing]: Nope, but thanks :D

2007-07-11 [Azuri]: It was pretty cool O.O

2007-07-11 [Linderel]: Wow. Fabulous.

2007-07-11 [sequeena_rae]: That was amazing o.o

2007-08-12 [Delladreing]: If you have a live journal account I would ask you ato head over here: and show your support for the removal of pro-ana sites from the live journal world. Thank you.

2007-08-12 [sequeena_rae]: Signed :D

2007-08-12 [Estantia]: signing

2007-08-12 [Delladreing]: Great :)

2007-08-12 [Azuri]: Signed ^_^

2007-08-28 [Delladreing]: I'd like, if I may, to direct your attention here

Its a project run by a friend of a friend. And it is called the Hate project. Its something like POST SECRET if anyone knows what that is. You send in a photo of yourself or body part that has been called a bad name. The point is to show how petty and inaccurate most of the shit people come away with. Like the girl who has a nice curvy derrier (that's a butt for the none french speakers) but has had it labelled fat.

I just thought some of you might like it. I'm contemplating joining in myself.

2007-08-29 [Azuri]: hmm interesting*goes and checks out*

2007-10-03 [Azuri]: Hmm yes it does make you think, I think dove is amazing for doing this though and hopefully with someone like them on it maybe they can help ya kno?

2007-10-03 [Kelaria]: This is why I buy their products! ^_^ I like the shampoo :D

2007-10-03 [Azuri]: Hmmm, never bought any of their stuff, Ill have to keep them in mind when I next go out for hair stuffs >>

2007-11-16 [Kelaria]: SWEET!! I'm smarter than all those dieting skinny girls that I usually feel jealous of! :D

2007-11-16 [Jitter]: Same here, although I'm not jealous of skinny girls xD

2007-11-16 [Kelaria]: Well, I'm not always jealous... but sometimes I just look at them and their flat stomachs and I remember when I used to have a flat tummy... although, they always have tiny boobs and mine are bigger :P so yeah, I win! :P

2007-11-16 [sequeena_rae]: I'm jealous of skinny girls, until I realise that they in fact have no boobs.


2007-11-16 [Kelaria]: ^______^ us booblicious girls rock!! :D

2007-11-16 [sequeena_rae]: mmhmm :p

2007-11-16 [Fireblade K'Chona]: curves ftw! ^_^ I dance, and I'm both taller and than a lot of the girls I dance with, but I don't care. (though it amuses me when girls with smaller boobs than I have insist on having one of those invisi-bras on under their leotards. I never bother with them and I always do fine. :P)

2007-11-16 [Delladreing]: Now now no hating on skinny girls :P

2007-11-16 [Kelaria]: but they're usually stuck up and meeeaannn!! :(

2007-11-16 [Kelaria]: Though there are a few exceptions...

2007-11-16 [Fireblade K'Chona]: oh, I don't hate them, the opposite in fact. It just amuses me when girls with smaller boobies than I've got think they need more support than I bother with.

this is slightly off-topic, but I have had multiple people tell me I should go into modeling. O.o Apparently having excellent posture and being tall is what's wanted, but I have a friend who's done some part-time and she told me she stopped because she had no desire to be anorexic and look it. (she's not anorexic. that sentence was weird.)

2007-11-16 [smakeupfx]: Yep, that's right... skinny girls are fine... it's just they're not the only ones who are fine... as is often the case in the media

2007-11-16 [sequeena_rae]: Deladreing: Now now no hating on skinny girls :P

Why don't ya MAKE ME? XD

2007-11-16 [Chrysilla]: Okay, now you people make me feel bad. You're mean! *hides in a corner and cries* <img:stuff/mood21-gif.gif>

2007-11-16 [Azuri]: Hear hear to a flat tummy, thats all I want out of a diet and exercising program, don't want to loose weight to be smaller my gut just has to go lol. I've always had it in my mind that I want to be around 180ish and I'm 5ft3. Some people think I'm strange but if I got any smaller my boobs might shrink and as much as I hate them I don't think Id want to actually get rid of them lol.

2007-11-16 [Delladreing]: I've found that curvier girls and bigger girls are also capable of equal nastiness.

And don't make me get the whipping stick.

2007-11-16 [sequeena_rae]: I suppose it depends on how vain you are.

Ooo Dela, you promise? :3

2007-11-16 [sequeena_rae]: And [Chrysilla] we still love you and your skinniness :P

2007-11-16 [Azuri]: In my opinion most girls are just crazy no matter the size. I think its best you never come to the south Dela you might massacre the girls here. The south totally made me have prejudices I never had when I was up north -_-'

2007-11-16 [Fireblade K'Chona]: aw, the kinky people are so cute. :P

2007-11-16 [sequeena_rae]: Those bitches are everywhere [Azuri], I wouldn't worry too much *hugs* One day us curvier girls (and the skinny girls who also want to join in ;)) will sit on the mean bitches of this world :D

Kinkiness ftw :D

2007-11-16 [Delladreing]: You know I promise.

And every woman is beautiful when she is a healthy weight for her body structure. Keyword being healthy.

2007-11-16 [Azuri]: Wewt <3 *shakes fist at crazy people everywhere* XD

2007-11-16 [Chrysilla]: I'm not skinny! I'm thin! I gained 5 more kilograms okay? <img:44166_1164145101.gif> Bu thanks for the love anyway <img:61691_1132936287.gif>

2007-11-16 [sequeena_rae]: Your place or mine? :3

2007-11-16 [Delladreing]: Up to you my dear.

2007-11-16 [Azuri]: ^_^ but its natural and your not trying to become a skeleton hehe :D My husband who has been 116lbs for about 6 years now is finally at 120 which is a major accomplishment :D

2007-11-16 [smakeupfx]: I think it's about being healthy... too thin is unhealthy (you're not too thin [Chrysilla]  and being too heavy is unhealthy.  

2007-11-16 [Delladreing]: Exactly.

2007-11-16 [sequeena_rae]: *gets in rowing boat*

I agree with you all. Being healthy is the key.

2007-11-16 [smakeupfx]: or rich... that might be key too LOL

2007-11-16 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Healthiness is sexy!

My friend works at planned parenthood and she has a t-shirt that says, "Safe sex is sexy". XD

...oh, crap, is that the time? O.o back later!

2007-11-16 [sequeena_rae]: Haha, yes XD

2007-11-16 [Azuri]: Lol thats a awesome shirt XD

2007-11-17 [Fireblade K'Chona]: it is, it is indeed. :)

2007-11-17 [sequeena_rae]: I want a shirt like that :P

2007-11-17 [Fireblade K'Chona]: I've told her she should wear it to school, particularly to her theology class because her teacher is bitchy. XD

2007-11-23 [Avoral]: Holding a girl down by the throat with your just-used condom is sexy.

2007-11-23 [Delladreing]: ...I got nothing.

2007-11-23 [sequeena_rae]: I agree simply because that was hilarious :P

2007-11-23 [Azuri]: lol sounds like something my husband would do just to fuck with me XD Bastard rubbed cheesecake all over my arm just cause I wouldn't eat it -_-' I was so stuffed though

2007-11-24 [Avoral]: You just beat me on the 'odd' scale, [Azuri].

2007-11-24 [Azuri]: haha

2008-01-16 [Kayne]: Dela, do you mind me advertising for quest for girlfriend?

2008-01-16 [Chrysilla]: you already did XD

2008-01-16 [Delladreing]: Course not Kayne :)

2008-01-26 [earthkynd]: Great wiki :)

2008-01-27 [Delladreing]: Thanks :)

2008-03-09 [Fuu]: Snow White with a gun.... nice.

2008-03-16 [Saray]: I could write 10 pages about the problems I've had with my self esteem and my own body image, how it influenced my life and how it made me feel, why I check every goddamn piece of reflective material up to today, and how I'm trying to step away from that all.
I never was thin. Never in my life looked like one of those fragile barbie dolls that I owned so many of. I was a chubby kid, build like my dad; heavy bone structure with broad shoulders (VERY broad), broad hips, thick wrists and ankles, etc.
I think I don't remember a school I have been to except for my last two, where I wasn't picked on. It began in elementary school, I think in the 4th or 5th grade. It's interesting how kids pick up differences between classmates and then use it against them. They can be ruthless.
Highschool was a nightmare from day 1. I had frizzy hair, had braces, and I was chubby. I was picked on by older kids AND classmates, and I was terrified. In that period I was a very emotional eater, and I stood on the verge of bulimia, and would've become bulimic, but my own crazy body saved me; I can't make myself throw up up 'till today.
The third year was the ultimate nightmare for anyone. I went to a new class, together with some older students that failed the year and had to redo it. Those were the worst, because they thought they had power over you; and you believed it. I was afraid to even move in fear to stand out and become the target of the day. I was only interesting when I was drawing, then they noticed and then they were positive.

Then I met [Trennas], in my final year. I was doing better; I was expressing myself more, felt a little better in my skin but not THAT good. I still felt like I would never have a boyfriend because I was too ugly or not worth it, and just like that, it happened. He is the main reason I’m as stable as I am today; he supports me in everything, he’s the one that made me believe and feel that I’m beautiful, for the first time in my life. He showed me that love isn’t based on bodyshape, and that he thought I was beautiful no matter what. I’m still eternally thankful for that.
Right now, reflecting back on the days, I can honestly say that I wouldn’t be me if I wouldn’t have been picked on. It shaped me into the person I am – it forced me to find other ways to vent my frustrations or just generally to express myself. Drawing became my obsession, as did writing and thinking up crazy worlds. I’m not saying that it’s a good thing I was picked on so much, I’m saying that I would be different if I wasn’t. I’ll never know how different, but that doesn’t matter.
Right now, I’m doing real good. I’m confident enough, and I don’t take crap from nobody. I laugh at people that try to make fun of me because I know better. It took me years and years, but I’m finally free of the destructive thoughts.

2008-03-16 [Delladreing]: *hugs* I'm glad you're free from the destructive thoughts Saray, and sorry that you had to go through that. Kids and even adults can be so damn cruel to children with regards to looks, and even the simplest remark can be devastating for th self esteem.

I really need to get round to updating this wiki, I need to add in the member's story page so people can share :)

2008-03-17 [iippo]: "If you tell Mary that she is bright and you tell Sue that she is beautiful, all Mary will remember is that she is not beautiful, and all Sue will remember is that she is not bright." Said by I-can't-remember-who.

2008-03-17 [Delladreing]: I rather like that. Thanks iippo

2008-03-18 [Chrysilla]: *hugs [Saray]* I'm glad too that you got over all that, personally I believe you're a very beautiful girl <img:44166_1164903263.gif>
Dela, I'd love to share in that story page, can't wait! ^^

2008-03-18 [Tingis]: indeed, you're absolutely beautiful [Saray]!!
it's funny, the first part of your story is like It was for me too, but in opposite direction, I was picked on because I was too skinny :)

2008-03-18 [smakeupfx]: I can't belive ether one of you were picked on ... such a dumb world sometime ;-\

2008-03-18 [Saray]: Thank you :) :) :)

Kids are relentless. I still have problems when people call me names, it can ruin my day or just bother me a lot...
(yes, apparantly I'm a disgusting gothic or our foulest cuss-word; a cancer-gothic. I HATE it when they use that. It's silly since I kind of don't look like a goth at all, lol. People are dumb.)
But it just gets to me. That insecurity creeps back in and makes me want to hide.
My usual reply is "Well hell, you'll really be filling up all those seats in the theater with that shitty ass face of yours" (lol, it sounds better in Dutch), but ignoring is usually what I try.

2008-03-18 [smakeupfx]: Hahahaha, "assface" works well just by itself.  Yep, it's hard to truly not care what someone says even tho you truly don't care what they think. It's hard to be human.

2008-03-19 [Lahali]: One of my favourites is from a series called "Undead and Unwed" by MaryJanice Davidson...
"asshat." It makes me giggle everytime.
And [smakeupfx] is correct...both [Saray] and [Tingis] are beautiful.
Keep smiling...

2008-03-19 [Delladreing]: Everyone is in their own way :)

2008-03-19 [Fireblade K'Chona]: My sob story time! Briefly, though, I don't have a great deal of time.

I was bullied all through lower school for being skinny, tall, and smart. It didn't help that I got glasses when I was, like, nine. Once the popular girls figured out how easily they could make me cry, they made me cry at least three times a week, and I didn't have any friends except books until a few people transferred in, met me, and flipped off the school pecking order and became my friends. Sadly it was about four or five years before that happened.

But then I went to high school. I made solid friends my freshman year, my first two years were my training ground, and my junior year and my senior year, these last two, no one has dared make fun of me because my response is to grin at them, make a joke, and invariably everyone in the vicinity will crack up. And even if I can't come back with a comeback quickly enough, I've got my friends backing me, and they'll say something flippant, with the same net result. (I like having backup. It's kind of a novelty.) I have good posture now-no more trying to hide my height-and I say whatever the hell I want in class instead of playing dumb.

The end! :)

2008-03-19 [sequeena_rae]: People are cunts, the end :D

2008-03-19 [Tingis]: bwahahahahaha XD lovely.

2008-03-19 [smakeupfx]: Squee has a way with words  XD

2008-03-19 [Delladreing]: She is certainly direct :P

2008-03-19 [sequeena_rae]: :D Fo'sho!

2008-03-19 [smakeupfx]: I don't know Dela... I think I may have met a few people who were not beautiful in ANY way ;-) ugly souls mayhaps

2008-03-24 [Saray]: People just get an "average" image stamped into their heads and everything that deviates from that image is a possible object to taunt. I hate television XD

I'm being really brave, I've put pictures on my house of me in bellydance costume, with omg, my belly showing (including stiare scars.. iek)!
Call me nuts, but that's a big step for me. I've got more of them, and I even like one with my huge arm (which I have a love/hate relationship with) showing up front.
I'm not bothered anymore, I think. :D

2008-03-24 [Delladreing]: That costume is fantastic. And I like your belly, its a lot cuter than mine XD although we have stretch marks in the same place :3

2008-03-24 [smakeupfx]: it's an awesome costume :D and curves are great...Hips hips hurray! 

2008-03-24 [sequeena_rae]: The stretchmarks on my belly are all purple and horrible :(

I love your outfit [Saray], I've always wanted to belly dance but there's nowhere to do it round here.

2008-03-24 [Tingis]: I didn't even noticed your stretchmarks! and you know, I even got them even though I'm a skinny :3

2008-03-25 [Saray]: Thank you, thank you!! :O
Stretchmarks are strange...
If they're really noticeable, you might benefit from a vitamin E oil that you can rub them with every day. Vitamin E helps break down scar tissue :)

2008-03-25 [Delladreing]: I don't mind mine, I actually rather like them. They're like cool silver tattoos all over my hips that no tattoo artist can recreate with such individuality. But vitamin e oil is just great for the skin in general :)

2008-03-25 [Tingis]: you can only see mine if you look really hard, because they aren't purple anymore, they're only deep lines in my skin now =)
and that's a cool way of looking at it, Dela! :D

2008-03-25 [Delladreing]: Yup, mine stopped being purple some years ago, and I am glad you liked it.

2008-03-25 [sequeena_rae]: I'm not very good with putting stuff on my body every day >.> The stuff the doctor gave me for the eczema on my hands is err...somewhere XDDD But I'll give it a go :P
Great news on that btw Dela! Some random (who I thought was EHO but wasn't) came into work earlier and asked me about the chemicals so I told them about the soap and they're changing it :D

2008-03-25 [Delladreing]: Ahh goodo hen. I hate to see a boy suffer like that, especially when its easy fixed by changing products.

2008-03-25 [sequeena_rae]: Yep, hopefully the eczema will disappear now :D I've had enough of red, sore hands :P

2008-03-25 [Delladreing]: Aye well, red sore hands tends to be part of working, or so I am told. The bleach at work has utterly destroyed my fingers, and they acted surprised when I asked for gloves for handling it in, despite the redness and the cracked bleeding skin >.<

2008-03-25 [sequeena_rae]: Well tbh, you are in Glasgow :P
I just get dry skin and bruises :[

2008-03-25 [Delladreing]: True, industrial chemical city we used to be.

2008-03-25 [sequeena_rae]: exactly :P

2008-03-25 [Tingis]: but anyway, I don't think there is really something that can make stretchmarks dissapear, right? you just have to live with it..(and I'm also not good with daily treatments xP)
btw Squee, good that they finally changed it!!

2008-03-25 [smakeupfx]: I have some training in Dermatology as a makeup artist.  There is currently, no safe effective means to either prevent or remove stretch marks.  You can lessen their look and feel by keeping out of the sun and using a good moisturizer (one with liposomes and humectants). 

2008-03-25 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Saray, those pictures are stunning. They're gorgeous. As are you, m'dear. :)

Random question: The hell is happening when I get little tiny dots almost like zits on my chest and shoulders, but they're actually full of blood? O.o I tend to react to chemicals a bit extremely (makes allergy tests problematic >.<), so should I change my recently-changed shampoo or something?

2008-03-25 [sequeena_rae]: Oh dear, that sounds terrible :/ I have an acne problem on my chests/arms/back (lol TMI y/y?) and I've tried everything for it (including Lush products) but eh, it never works.

Have you seen your doctor about it because that doesn't sound good.

2008-03-25 [smakeupfx]: They could be a few things... Petechiae are small purura spots, that is, small blood vessel hemmorages under the skin.  It is possible but not really likely that they are an allergy. Allergic reactions are usually more rash-looking like a contact dermatitus.  It's perfectly normal for people to get Petechiae as we age. Your dermatologist can zap them if you want but it wont stop them.  Hope that is helpfull :)

2008-03-25 [smakeupfx]: I would recomend this product line Squee,
I used to work with the Proactiv system, but it tends to be a bit harsh for many people and it's very expensive. 

2008-03-25 [sequeena_rae]: Thanks! I'll take a look now :)

2008-03-25 [Saray]: That sounds bad... acne in general is very annoying. I used to break out horribly when I was around 12 and that didn't go away until I was about 17/18, and started with the pill. I still break out from stress and bad make-up, that's why I'm so happy with mineral make-up :) like sells (I tested it, it's very nice)

Gentle scrubs with a brush or a scrubbing cloth can help, but don't overdo it or your skin will go dry... I use a lotion that has zink in it when I have a break out, that works really well, but again; use it sparsely.
Moisturize a loooot :D

For me, natural products work really well because my skin reacts badly to chemical products or heavily scented soaps.
I'm looking at right now, but I'm not sure if it actually works the way they say, and it's pretty expensive. I do know olive oil works really well on skin, so I'm tempted to try.

2008-03-25 [smakeupfx]: I sure agree with the scented soaps... most allergic reactions to makeup are really to the scents they put in.  olive oil is plant based so it will have liposomes and humectants, tho it's a heavy oil. just be careful it doesn't leave your pours clogged up.  Still... a kiddy pool full of it might be.. em  ;-P

2008-03-25 [Saray]: LOL!!

I used to have an eyeliner that burnnnnnt when I put it on. Ouch.

2008-03-25 [smakeupfx]: ouch, too much alcohol perhaps?  (in the eyeliner, not in you ;-P

2008-03-25 [sequeena_rae]: Thanks both of you!

I've had the back problem a couple of years now and it's a pain in the arse. My skin has since got worse since I started work (I'm a sort of baker...erm, bit hard to describe. I work in a supermarket :P). I used to have oily skin, then it dried out because of the ovens and the freezer. Now it's just weird.

I tried the pill then had to stop taking it because it sent me up the wall o.O;

I bought some products from Lush ( for my face which worked well and I used to use it all the time but I confess that I've since become lazy with it (I get up a 4am most mornings). I bought this; for my body and all it did was dry my skin out :/ I've recently started using this; whenever I'm the shower for my face and body but I haven't really noticed any difference.

I have to be careful with what I use these days since my eczema flared up >_<

2008-03-26 [Azuri]: Do you do the bread Squee? I'm sort of having the same issue, though of course my bakery is out of their heads. I closed today for the second time my self and had to do the same with the bread the other day -_-' but geebus are those freezers cold!

2008-03-26 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Thanks, people! :) I'll try the scrubbing first. If it's a reaction to soap the last thing I want to do is put more soap on it yet. >.< I'll use the stuff I've used since I could use soap, that should be safe enough.

2008-03-26 [Tingis]: My face is also always red, and screwed up everytime I go into the shower >.> Then I put 500 kilos of moisturizer on it before I go in XD but it barely helps

2008-03-26 [Delladreing]: Squee hen, that book I sent to you sister should have some methods for natural soaps in and the like.

I'm virtually making all my own stuff now, its the only way I know what is in it and that it wont hurt my skin.

2008-03-26 [Tingis]: wow :O such talent!!

2008-03-26 [Delladreing]: Not really, just practice. Taken me a long long time to be able to make soap that isn't rock hard or melting.

2008-03-26 [sequeena_rae]: I don't do the bread, that's the bakery :P I just do the pies and serve the hot meat :[ (I have a feeling that the oil has contributed to it too) and yes the freezers are cold xD

Thanks Dela, I'll take a look! Can't say my soap will be good though ;D

2008-03-26 [Saray]: You make your own soap? That sounds like fun/convenient...

2008-03-26 [Delladreing]: It was born more out of necessity than anything. My younger brother is allergic to just about every modern man-made product. All the soaps in the marker contain horrid chemicals in that make his life a living hell, so we're trying out our own for a while. Nothing fancy about them, they keep you clean is about it :P

2008-03-26 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Clean is good enough for me. What do you put in them?

This is random, but I have a friend who says I consistently smell like roses. I don't use perfume or even scented lotion. And when she came to my house, she wandered around sniffing my shampoo and conditioner and stuff and concluded that none of them are responsible for it. So...anyone know why the hell I apparently smell like roses? >.<

Not that I'm COMPLAINING, it's just...kind of odd. The closest connection I have with roses right now is my little miniature rose houseplant, which isn't even blooming right now.

Which reminds me, I need to get rose food, but that's a different story.

2008-03-26 [Delladreing]: Well the one I have at the moment has tea tree oil added to it, as my skin is trying to come out in blemishes and I am not having it.

And you smell of what you're not eating roses are you :P

2008-03-26 [smakeupfx]: Hahaha, I had a friend who smelled like a new book... and another that smelled like hot dogs... I think you got off easy ;-)

2008-03-26 [Fireblade K'Chona]: I'm...not eating roses, no. O.o But if I go with that, I should smell like...chocolate, sausage, peanut butter noodles, and Greek potatoes. And apples. Dela, you make no sense. :P

2008-03-26 [sequeena_rae]: I smell like chips gravy and mushy peas :D

2008-03-26 [smakeupfx]: *tries hard not to make a "smell like what you eat" joke*  :-P

2008-03-26 [Delladreing]: It is true. If you eat something, then your body can smell of it.

2008-03-26 [Fireblade K'Chona]: well, yes, but...I don't eat roses!

2008-03-26 [sequeena_rae]: *will eat parma violets forever*

2008-03-26 [Delladreing]: Some people do. Its a delicacy to eat chocolate covered rose petals in some places >.>

2008-03-26 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Never had 'em!

2008-03-26 [Delladreing]: Me either, I'm tempted though.

2008-03-26 [smakeupfx]: I like Chocolate covered chocolate much better... it's good for the soul

2008-03-26 [sequeena_rae]: I accidentally ate a rose petal once. It was minging.

2008-03-26 [Fireblade K'Chona]: I've totally eaten leaves off bushes before. I used to munch the garden all the time when I was a kid. Looking back, I'm amazed I didn't die. There was belladonna in there!

2008-03-26 [smakeupfx]: what's minging ? does it hurt?

2008-03-26 [Delladreing]: Minging, means nasty.

2008-03-26 [smakeupfx]: ahhhh, i see. 

2008-03-27 [Estantia]: *chortles* seq and smake made a funny ^_^

2008-03-27 [smakeupfx]: and it wasn't even a minging joke :D

2008-03-27 [Avoral]: You and your freaky Euroslang.

2008-03-27 [sequeena_rae]: Yes, and? xP

2008-03-27 [smakeupfx]: What can I say, i'm hip daddy-O

2008-03-27 [sequeena_rae]: evidence plz

2008-03-27 [smakeupfx]: <img:>

see? them dark sunglasses?  those are hip-O-lishous ;-P

2008-03-27 [sequeena_rae]: ...Naaaaaaah x)

2008-03-28 [Avoral]: I will cry myself to sleep tonight.
Partially from all your hipness, but mostly from the knowledge that the term "hip-O-lishous" has been used somewhere in this world.

2008-03-28 [iippo]: Not only "somewhere" but in your presence!

2008-03-28 [smakeupfx]: good, my work here is done XD

2008-03-29 [Azuri]: That is indeed nightmare worthy

2008-03-29 [smakeupfx]: <----  causing nightmares for decades.

2008-03-29 [iippo]: Powered by Play Dough.

2008-04-02 [Saray]: That is such a beautiful thought! And you're so brave!!

2008-04-03 [Jitter]: Thank you :3

2008-04-03 [Tingis]: I agree :)

2008-04-06 [Saray]: Yes, very :)

You know, I've tried so many skincare products, it's insane. I've got mixed skin (oily front head, nose and chin, and dry cheeks) and it's hard to find something that works. I'm super paranoid that I get pimples if I use a creme that's too fatty, but I hate the feeling of my skin being dry and that'll go wrinkly, ew.
I'm always scared to look old :(

2008-04-07 [sequeena_rae]: Same :/

2008-04-07 [windowframe]: I have eczema, so I have a load of emollients to use and have to apply them at times, around 20 times a day, if I go through a bad patch, but usually it's about 5 times a day. I was on antibiotics for a long time, over half a year, which sucked, mainly but it had one benefit - I just didn't get spots, evar. :D

2008-04-07 [sequeena_rae]: O.O Point me in the direction of those things!
I only have a huge tub of cream (which replaces soap) to wash my hands with and hydrocortisone cream for my eczema

2008-04-07 [windowframe]: Do you get asthma and hayfever too? O.o I've got dermol 500 in place of shower gel and soap, Epaderm and oilatum cream as moisturisers and a load of creams I can't remember the names of. Also immunosupressants, which really help. :D

2008-04-07 [Delladreing]: Also immunosupressants, which really help. :D

Dude you and my brother are the same freaking person.

2008-04-07 [windowframe]: We may have to call off the wedding then, dear. Now it's incest. :(

2008-04-07 [Delladreing]: Bugger :(

/sidenote have you ever tried herbal remedies? We just got Adam stuff from the place where I now get my migraine treatment from and his skin is doing better, as is his immune system.

I actually got Squee lots of things out of there for her birthday because her health has been worrying me so much :P

2008-04-07 [windowframe]: I tried some Chinese herbal remedies. Waste. Of. Money. Cost over £100, did fuck all.

2008-04-07 [Delladreing]: ....okay well the stuff we got Adam was £20 :P

I'll add a pack in with your UBER LATE package of d00m. (Postage now courtest of Bank of Scotland...shhh they have spies evariwhar) Srsly, its huge.

2008-04-07 [iippo]: I'm actually looking forward to being old. And looking it, because that'll come with the package...

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